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SH 60-60

The SH60-60 is an advanced Graphite Cutting WIre Saw Machine using an closed-loop diamond wire as cutting tool.

This Graphite Cutting WIre Saw Machine is an graphite block wire cutting machine. It utilizes an endless diamond wire to cut very fast. This equipment can do automatic slicing. With a remarkable maximum cutting linear speed , it delivers exceptional sharpness and outperforms alternative cutting methods in terms of both speed and surface quality.

NombreParamètreValeur ou spécification
1Longueur maximale de la pièce (mm)600
2Largeur maximale de la pièce (mm)600
3Hauteur maximale de la pièce (mm)600
4Déplacement de l'axe Y de la table de travail (mm)600
5Déplacement de l'axe Z de la table de travail (mm)600
6Vitesse maximale du fil diamanté (m/s)38 (maximum)
7Incrément d'avance minimum sur l'axe Y (mm)0.01
8Incrément d'alimentation minimum sur l'axe Z (mm)0.01
9Répéter la précision du positionnement sur l'axe Y (mm)±0,05
10Répéter la précision du positionnement sur l'axe Z (mm)±0,05
11Consommation électrique totale (kW)4
12Source de courantAC220V 50Hz
13Taille de la machine (mm)1600*2000*2150
14Poids de la machine (kg)15000

The cutting tool used by the equipment is also the latest ring-shaped diamond wire. By forming the diamond wire into a closed loop, the one-way movement of the cutting wire is achieved, which greatly improves the linear speed and the smoothness of the cutting surface. It is a cutting machine with good precision .

Diamond Wire Loop has 3 different types: Full coating ,Segment Coating and Thread Coating. Each has it’s advanagtes.

Click here to learn more about Cutting wire loops.

Product Description:SH60-60 Graphite Cutting WIre Saw Machine

The Graphite Diamond Wire Cutting Machine, specifically designed for precision slicing applications. This cutting-edge equipment harnesses the power of closed-loop diamond wire technology to swiftly and accurately slice through various materials with ease.

Key Features:

 Closed-loop Diamond Wire Technology: The machine utilizes closed-loop diamond wire, ensuring precise and efficient slicing of materials.

  1. Adjustable Slice Thickness: With the flexibility to adjust slice thickness within the same cutting program, users can tailor the machine to meet their specific requirements.
  2. Wide Application Range: Widely used in the field of graphite cutting, the machine delivers smooth cutting surfaces, high cutting speeds, minimal dust generation, and exceptional cutting accuracy. Moreover, it can also effectively slice materials such as raw ceramics, foam cement, and fiberboard, among others.
  3. Fast and Precise Cutting: Engineered for both speed and precision, this machine guarantees rapid and accurate slicing operations, enhancing productivity and minimizing material wastage.
  4. User-friendly Interface: Equipped with an intuitive interface, the machine offers ease of operation, allowing users to set parameters and monitor cutting processes with ease.


  • Graphite Cutting: Ideal for slicing graphite materials with precision and efficiency, ensuring smooth surfaces and high cutting speeds.
  • Raw Ceramics: Capable of slicing raw ceramic materials to desired thicknesses, maintaining precision and minimizing material waste.
  • Foam Cement: Enables efficient slicing of foam cement materials, delivering accurate cuts and smooth surfaces.
  • Fiberboard: Suitable for slicing fiberboard materials with precision and speed, facilitating streamlined production processes.

SH60-60 Diamond Wire Cutting Machine represents the pinnacle of precision slicing technology, offering unmatched performance, versatility, and efficiency. Whether it’s graphite, ceramics, foam cement, or fiberboard, this cutting-edge equipment delivers exceptional results, making it an indispensable asset for various manufacturing applications.

The Difference between SH60-60 dGraphite Cutting WIre Saw Machine and other types

                                                       Comparaison entre une scie à ruban diamantée et une scie à fil diamanté unique

Scie à ruban diamant
Scie à fil diamanté sans fin
Mécanisme de coupe
Utilise une boucle continue de bande diamantée comme outil de coupe.
Employs a continuous loop of diamond-coated wire as the cutting tool.
Vitesse de coupe
Vitesse de coupe généralement plus lente en raison du mouvement de la bande.
Vitesse de coupe plus rapide grâce au mouvement linéaire continu du fil.
Largeur de saignée
A généralement une largeur de saignée plus large, ce qui entraîne davantage de gaspillage de matériau.
Minimise la largeur du trait de scie, ce qui entraîne un gaspillage de matériau minimal.
Qualité de la surface de coupe
Peut nécessiter des étapes de polissage supplémentaires pour obtenir une finition lisse.
Coupe et polit simultanément, assurant une surface lisse et brillante.
Convient aux coupes basiques et aux lignes droites.
Très polyvalent, adapté aux formes complexes et aux designs complexes.
Précision modérée ; peuvent ne pas réaliser des conceptions complexes avec précision.
Offre une haute précision, idéale pour les composants complexes en graphite.
Efficacité matérielle
Peut être moins économe en matériaux en raison de coupes plus larges.
Maximise l’efficacité du matériau avec des coupes étroites.
Génération de poussière
Génère plus de poussière, nécessitant potentiellement des systèmes d’extraction de poussière.
Produit un minimum de poussière, contribuant à un environnement de travail plus propre.
Principalement utilisé pour des tâches de coupe plus simples
Ideal for various cutting needs, especially intricate graphite parts.
Cas d'utilisation idéal
Coupes droites basiques en graphite.
Coupes de précision, conceptions complexes et composants complexes en graphite.
diamond wire cutting machine,graphite cutting machine
graphite processing machine,Diamond Wire Saw Cutting Machines work
pro det cus 01
What is the maximum thickness the machine can handle for cutting?
The machine is capable of cutting slices ranging from 0.1 to 600 mm in thickness, and can perform automated cutting once the program has been configured.

The cutting speed would be similar, but wire saw’s cut surface quality is far more better. and the kerf loss is smaller.

The HorizonCrystal features a high-precision diamond wire that is 0.35 to 0.8 mm in diameter, so the cut kerf is very small.
The lifespan of the diamond wire varies based on usage and material hardness. For graphite 1 pcs cutting wire can cut about about 15 Square meters.It is user-replaceable, and we provide detailed guidance on wire replacement.
For Graphite cut, normally client’s facility will have Dust collector. It can be connect with our machine when running it.
We offer a comprehensive warranty for 1 year and video or onsite technical support post-purchase to ensure your machine operates at peak efficiency and any issues are resolved promptly.
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Don’t worry! We know that obtaining cutting machines that meet your needs can be very challenging. Our professional cutting experts are always available to support you: