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SG 20

SG20 is a compact CNC Glass Cutting Wire Saw,also called glass cutting Wire Saw. It uses an enfdless diamond wire as a cutting tool. It is very suitable for laboratories and small studios to cut various glass, ceramics, gemstones and other hard materials.

This CNC Glass Cutting Wire Saw uses a gantry structure, and the cutting line cuts from top to bottom. It is very convenient to load the workpiece. It only needs to be glued to the loading table, and the cut part will not fall after the cutting line cuts through the material, so there is no need for workers to take care of it. It only needs to be processed after the equipment program is completed or the next day. The equipment of this structure also has larger models, and can also be upgraded to a special-shaped cutting program for complex contour cutting.

1Loading Worktable Size200*280 mm
2Y-axis, Z-axis Travel250*250 mm
3Maximum Product Size200*200 *200 mm
4Worktable Load50 Kg
5Maximum Lina Speed2100 rpm/min
6Maximum Processing Efficiency1000 mm/min
7Diamond Wire Diameter∮0.35~0.8 mm
8Positioning Accuracy±0.01 mm
9Processing Accuracy≤0.03 mm
10Surface Roughness (Ra)Ra ≤ 60μm
11Diamond Wire Length2920 mm
12Main Guide Wheel Diameter∮260 mm
13Subsidiary Guide Wheel Diameter∮180 mm (4 pieces)
14PC Monitor Size19 inches
15Equipment Power4.5 KW
16Operating Voltage220V 50Hz ±10%
17Ambient Temperature10℃~30℃
18Equipment Dimensions800*850*1920 mm

The cutting tool used by the equipment is also the latest ring-shaped diamond wire loop. By forming the diamond wire into a closed loop, the one-way movement of the cutting wire is achieved, which greatly improves the linear speed and the smoothness of the cutting surface. It is a cutting machine with good precision .

Les boucles en fil diamanté sont de 3 types différents : Revêtement intégral, revêtement de segments et revêtement de fils. Chacun a ses avantages.

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur Coupe des boucles de fil.

SG 20 CNC Glass Cutting Wire Saw

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The Difference between SG 20 diamond wire saw machine and ID Slicer

Endless Diamond Wire Cutting Equipment et Inner Diameter Slicing Machines are both used for cutting hard and brittle materials like glass and magnet. but they differ significantly in their design, operation, and applications.


  • Endless Diamond Wire Cutting Equipment uses a continuous loop of diamond-coated wire to cut through materials. It is known for its high precision and ability to cut large and thick materials efficiently.
  • Inner Diameter (ID) Slicing Machine uses a circular blade with an inner diameter edge coated with diamond particles. It is typically used for slicing smaller, thinner materials with high precision.

Comparison Table:

FonctionnalitéEndless Diamond Wire Cutting EquipmentInner Diameter Slicing Machine
Mécanisme de coupeContinuous loop of diamond-coated wireCircular blade with diamond-coated inner diameter edge
Material ThicknessSuitable for thick and large materialsBest for thin and small materials
Cutting PrecisionHigh precision with smooth cutshigh precision with smooth cuts
Déchets de matériauxMinimal material waste due to thin wireMinimal material waste due to thin blade
Vitesse de coupeHigh cutting speedModerate to high cutting speed
Operational CostGenerally lower operational costsHigher operational costs due to blade wear and replacement
MaintenanceRegular wire inspection and replacementFrequent blade maintenance and replacement
ApplicationsPhotovoltaic , semiconductor, Magenet, OpticsPhotovoltaic , semiconductor, Magenet, Optics
Initial InvestmentModerate to highHaut
FlexibilityMore flexible, can handle various shapes and sizesLess flexible, best for specific size ranges
Surface QualityProduces smooth surface finishesProduces smooth surface finishes
Production VolumeSuitable for high-volume productionSuitable for low-volume production



  • Endless Diamond Wire Cutting Equipment is ideal for applications requiring high efficiency and the ability to handle large, thick materials with minimal waste. It offers flexibility and lower operational costs, making it suitable for industries like optoelectronic and semiconductor manufacturing.

  • Inner Diameter Slicing Machines excel in precision cutting of thinner and smaller materials, producing extremely smooth surfaces. They are commonly used in semiconductor and optoelectronic industries but come with higher operational costs and maintenance requirements.

Both types of equipment have their unique advantages and are chosen based on specific cutting requirements and application needs.

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Quelle est l'épaisseur maximale que la machine peut traiter pour la découpe ?
The machine is capable of cutting slices ranging from 0.1 to 250 mm in thickness, and can perform automated cutting once the program has been configured.

Leurs outils de coupe diffèrent : l'un utilise un câble diamanté et l'autre une lame, ce qui fait de l'un une méthode de coupe flexible et de l'autre une approche de coupe rigide. En outre, les trancheuses à cercle intérieur limitent la taille de la pièce à un diamètre inférieur à celui de la lame, alors que la scie à câble SHINE OptiGantry n'a pas cette restriction.

Le HorizonCrystal est équipé d'un fil diamanté de haute précision d'un diamètre de 0,35 à 0,8 mm, de sorte que le trait de coupe est très petit.
La durée de vie du câble diamanté varie en fonction de l'utilisation et des types de matériaux. Il est remplaçable par l'utilisateur et nous fournissons des conseils détaillés sur le remplacement du câble.
L'équipement a des exigences environnementales minimales, présente un faible encombrement, est léger et fonctionne sur une alimentation domestique standard de 220 V. Il est incroyablement pratique. Il est incroyablement pratique.
Nous offrons une garantie complète et une assistance technique 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, après l'achat, afin de garantir que votre machine fonctionne de manière optimale et que tout problème est résolu rapidement.
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