Silicon Cutting Machinery

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Silicon Ingot Cutting Wire Saw

-Single Diamond Wire Saw Brief Description This silicon ingot cutting wire saw utilizes a cutting tool known as a circular diamond wire loop. It is a closed-loop diamond wire that can move in a single direction without the need for reversing. The circular diamond wire enables high linear speeds, reaching even up to 60 m/s. As a result, it allows for fast cutting speeds during silicon rod cutting, while maintaining superior cutting surface quality. Unique features, performance, and advantages of silicon ingot cutting wire saw In summary, diamond wire cutting equipment offers unique characteristics and advantages such as high precision, efficiency, low wastage, flexibility, and precise control for silicon rod cutting. It provides reliable cutting solutions for silicon rod manufacturing and related industries, enhancing production efficiency and product quality. Case Studies Cutting Video of successful case Pictures of successful case Successful application examples of silicon Ingot cutting wire saw in

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